Monday, May 23, 2016

Supporting Our Troops.

One of my favorite charities to work with is Soldier’s Angels. Supporting those who fight for our freedom is one on the most important things civilians can do.

I did not understand how important it was to support our military members until I experienced 9/11. Watching the tragedy of 9/11 happen live was one of the most devastating things I will probably ever experience. After 9/11 many of the young men and women I knew joined the military. These men and women were deployed overseas to fight against those who attacked us. Even though everyone may not agree with the reasons we are still at war, we have to support those in the military doing their job.

Soldier’s Angels organization motto is “may no soldier go unloved”. Their goal is to provide all possible support to as many military personnel, veterans, and families. They collect cards, supplies, boxes, letters, and money in support of their efforts.

This past Christmas my mother and I volunteered to pack 30 Christmas stockings. We have packed different donation boxes to the troops before so we have it down to a science now. We setup our little assembly line, and pack pack pack. Our friends have donated filling items to us, and financial donations for the shipping costs. I was extremely touched one year when shipping our boxes out, the man ringing us up at the post office stepped away for a moment to get cash from his own wallet for our shipping bill. I cried in the middle of the post office because of his generosity. I will always remember how his random act of kindness touched my heart.

In other previous years, we had my little cousins write letters to military members. They have always enjoyed writing them, and are thrilled when they get a letter in return. We wrote letters to a family friend’s unit, and my cousin Tiffany received a package back from one of the soldier’s. (Secretly, I was jealous) One of the men that received her letter sent her a military camo backpack with her name stitched on it, in English and Arabic. She will keep and remember that day forever.

There are many ways to volunteer with Soldier’s Angels. They have veteran, deployed, wounded, family, and other support groups. Soldier’s Angels is the only organization authorized to work directly with the VA for veteran support. There are six individual teams who work with deployed members. Letter writing, ladies of liberty, deployed adoption, angel baker, chaplain support, and special forces teams. Each team fulfills their specific need to those deployed. 

The wounded support group works beside people who reside in Germany volunteering at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. The Valor-IT program is also included in the wounded support group, which customizes laptops for wounded servicemen with disabilities.

The family support team is made up of 4 groups with specific interests living legends, operation top knot, women of valor, and the adopt-a-family team. Living legends is a support group for those who have lost a love one. Operation top knot organizes handmade gift giving, and virtual baby showers. Women of valor financially supports caregivers of ill or injured service members. The Adopt-a-family team organizes families who may need a little extra help with the holiday gift giving.

Their website is full of helpful information if you are looking to donate, or volunteer. Please visit the link here. Also, they have a blog you can read to keep up with future events. Click here to visit their blog.

I look forward to every opportunity I have to join Soldier’s Angels. I also look forward to friends joining me in support of their organization.


  1. Excellent post about Soldier Angles and all the good work that they do. Keep me posted and I would love to volunteer.

  2. I love that you have given me a new awareness of this charity. In life i feel like its so important to find anything that speaks to your heart and support it. You are touching so many lives. Thank you for your post.

  3. This is absolutely amazing! This definitely touched on my life and I would love to donate to this cause!

  4. What a great thing for the troops, feeling inspired :)

  5. It is awesome that you take time to do this for our troops.
